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Couple Broke In Tears After Getting Pregnant After Struggling For Years To Have Baby

Children are a gift of God, and everyone wishes to be on the receiving end of this gift especially.


However, the situation becomes heartbroken when even after 4 years of trying to have a baby the results are always negative. So, when this couple came to know that they are going to be parents soon, then their reaction brought tears to the eyes of many.

Watch the video to see their reaction.


Jade and Lee Madden’s doctor informed them that they will have to undergo IVF in order to have a baby; nonetheless, the couple was trying to conceive since four long years, to conceive a child naturally. And looks like their patients didn’t prove to be futile.


Jade’s periods were a week late then the expected date, and while in some cases it is considered normal, she just wanted to know if her wish had come true. So, she decided that she will check, just in case.

She brought the pregnancy kit and tested herself. That one minute must have been one of the many longest one minutes of her life. While waiting for the result, she said that she has done this countless times in the past only to end up being more depressed. So, you can imagine her expression when the result turned out to be positive. Finally!


She chose a very creative way to reveal the news to her husband. She wrapped the result in a packing paper and covered with a card that said, “I just asked for a back massage!”

Lee could not contain his excitement when he found out that he is going to be a father.


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