Categories: FoodHealthlife

Control Your High Blood Pressure Naturally With These Simple Methods

Although high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a common condition but eventually this ordinary disease can cause serious problems like heart issues, kidney diseases, vision loss, stroke or even heart failure.


This condition causes blood to flow against artery walls very forcefully which, in the long run, causes heart diseases. Most people suffering from hypertension are given regular medications in order to keep their blood to flow in normal pressure. However, there are natural ways which can be adapted to restrain from daily medications and they are actually amazing for getting rid of this condition.


1. Healthy Eating Diet

A healthy diet helps to improve your overall health. Consuming foods that are rich in fiber, protein, vitamins, fluids, and minerals which are undoubtedly fresh vegetables, fruits, grains, low-fat dairy product help to provide your body with essential nutrients and also keeps the blood pressure levels in balance. This approach is known as Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension or DASH diet and it can lower the blood pressure levels up to 14 mm Hg.

Berkeley Wellness

2. Reduce Alcohol Consumption

Less alcohol consumption can drop the blood pressure levels to a significant point, according to a review of 15 studies. Another study conducted at Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital reveals that one-quarter or one-half drink consume daily, known as light drinking, can reduce the blood pressure level more than taking no drinks a day.


3. Exercise, Exercise, and Exercise!

Undoubtedly exercise is the key element of a healthy life. Daily exercising or walking keeps the heart stronger, blood pressure level balanced and body in shape.


According to the National Walkers’ Health Study, daily moderate exercise for 150 minutes such as walking or a 75 minutes’ exerted exercise like running or jogging can keep the heart pumping at balanced levels and blood pressures on point.

Business Insider

4. Less Salt Consumption 

High Sodium consumption is the main reason for high blood pressure levels. According to MayoClinic, a little reduction of sodium in your diet can lower down your blood pressure to approximately 2-8 mm Hg. Daily adequate intake amount of sodium is no more than 2,300 mg.

Harvard Health – Harvard University

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