Categories: life

Colline Rees’s Vacation Getting Shattered After Her Eyebrows Were Mishandled

Colline Rees was a thirty-seven years old lady who had invested three thousand dollars along with her husband to finally make a trip with her family to Tenerife.


She had three children namely Bailey, Morgan and Ashton. She went for a makeover in a parlour and her husband flew off with their three children.


It was a much-awaited family vacation for all of them since they only visited Wales and everybody was looking forward to this week long vacation.


To her utter disappointment, Colline’s eyebrows were in a completely botched condition. She was devastated that her eyebrows looked more like the birds in the Angry Birds game.


She claimed that that the person who regularly assisted her in the parlour was not there this time. A trainee carried out the duty this time and to her misfortune, her eyebrows were completely messed up. When Colline watched herself in the mirror she was in a trauma and yelled at the trainee.


The trainee even used a pencil as stated by Colline. Another member of the parlour came in to help and suggested some toning.


But ultimately her eyebrows looked more like those in angry birds.  The trainee was sorry and cried for messing things up.


Colline knew her entire vacation was ruined. When everybody else saw her in that dark black eyebrows that could not be erased at that moment, they were in a shock too.


She even said that she could not enjoy the entire vacation. She had to put up a fake smile on her face which was of no help actually.


She even carried out certain techniques to help. Even she waxed her eyebrows but it ruined the situation even more. Frustrated Coline gave a Facebook status seeking some help. Luckily, one of her friends helped her.


Colline has been a patient of alopecia which reduces the hair growth rate so it took time.  She said she was always a cheerful yet joking person but was this the thing she was expecting? Angry bird eyebrows? Not at all.

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