Categories: Funlife

Cleaner Quit Her Job Like A Boss By Sending A ‘Sorry For Your Loss’ Card To Her Superiors

A cleaner has gone viral after sharing a picture of a ‘sorry for your loss’ greeting card she had sent to her superiors as she quit her unrewarding job.


40-year-old Lisa Bell had been employed as a cleaner by the Lyndene Hotel in Lancashire, UK, for only four months before she realized she had to quit.

Kennedy News

After deciding to go out in style, Lisa bought a sympathy card that read ‘sorry for your loss’ on the cover. She then filled in the card with her reasons for quitting and sent it to her bosses on the day she quit.


“Dear [names], As you may have noticed I’m not in work today,” the card read.

“This is because you are arseholes to work for so I have got a new job. I was planning on giving you a week’s notice but whilst I was on my unpaid break, [name] radioed [name] to come tell me not to sit down on my break. Why not grow some balls and tell me yourself?

Kennedy News

“Because that would mean you getting off your arse and leaving the office! I hate the fact that even whilst on my unpaid break [name] is sat in his office spying on me.


“Maybe if you two worked constantly, on your feet for six hours, you also would like to be able to sit down for ten mins!”

Kennedy News

As the upset mother-of-one added at the end of her unusual resignation letter, another employee decided to quit together with her.


“P.S. Karan quits too, you’ve treated her even worse, made her ill, we’re off to work together.”

Kennedy News

Speaking of her 4-month ordeal at the Lyndene Hotel to the media, the 40-year-old explained:


“It was like slave labor. I’d get up in the morning and dread going to work. I’d do three hours constant hovering from the minute I got through the door without having a break, lifting heavy chairs.

“After that, you need to sit down. Sometimes I’d clean the skirting boards just so I could. From the day I started, I was made aware that I was on camera constantly and they were watching us.


“In the smoking shelter, there’s no chairs or anything. And I’m on the go for six hours, so when I do go outside I want to sit down for 10 minutes and have a coffee.

Kennedy News

“The other day I sat down and got told off for sitting on the floor because it’s unhygienic. I wasn’t allowed to sit down. They’d speak to me like a piece of dirt.


“We’d even been told you don’t have a drink during working time. Even if you want water and have a dry mouth, you have to wait until your break. We weren’t ever allowed to be spotted on the camera with drink or food. Sometimes I’d discretely go into the toilets to get some water from the tap.”


Fortunately for Lisa, however, her new boss has a good sense of humor. And he’s not an arsehole.

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