Categories: life

A Brazilian Couple Has Successfully Revived A Forest By Planting More Than 2 Million Saplings

Deforestation has been the leading cause for the eradication of forests all over the world but there is a couple who pledged to revive a forest back and have so far managed to plant more than 2 million saplings.



Sebastiao Salgado used to be an economic advisor for the World Bank in 1994. He was asked to work in countries such as Angola and Mozambique.


But it was the Rwandan genocide that really moved him and he decided to present the world of what he had seen by clicking photographs.


When Salgado came back to his hometown, Minas Gerais, he was hoping he would see a tropical paradise but instead his hopes were destroyed as he discovered that only 0.5 percent of the total land was left with trees.


The wife of Salgado, Leila suggested that they should replant the 1502 acre forest. It might sound a little crazy but that is exactly what the couple did to revive the lost forest.


They began their journey by hiring 24 employees and they were later joined by different volunteers from time to time. The tropical forest has so far welcomed 293 species of plants and a total of over more than 2 million saplings since 1998.


Salgado explained how he was taken aback by all the deforestation that took place years ago but then his wife came up with the brilliant idea of replanting the entire forest. The rise of trees with time brought back all the fishes, and birds and that was a very special moment for Salgado.


In this quest, Salgado realized that humans can really do something to prevent the rapid and man-made climate change and that can be achieved by simply planting trees. He said that trees can surely convert CO2 into oxygen.


He also said that the planet Earth, is indeed, in a need of a spiritual return or things will get worse with time and we all will reach to a point of no return.

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