Categories: Animals/Petslife

How A Bird Covered In Curry Was Mistakenly Thought of To Be A New Species

Since the existence of humankind, humans are busy discovering various things around the world.


But this does not people have managed to see every bit of everything present in their surroundings.

Plants and animal species are discovered often, and thus we get the know about our planet better every year or even more often.


People got excited when they thought they have come across an exotic, new, and Phoenix alike bird in the United Kingdom. This bird was found by onlookers on the motorway A41.


They contacted the Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital immediately for assistance. The inspectors of this bird after proper inspection declared that the bird was a seagull which might have run into turmeric water or yellow curry.

Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital wrote on their Facebook page and declared that this was a strange case of casualty that occurred in a while.


The onlookers had informed the hospital about picking up an orange bird and had no idea about what was it. The bird had got covered with turmeric and curry somehow.


The bird was unable to fly properly as the turmeric was present all over its feathers. The inspectors had no idea as to how the bird landed in this predicament.


However, the most relieving part was apart from the color, and the uncomfortable smell the bird was healthy.


He is in a much better position and will be in a situation to get free and released from the hospital. There is no surety as to what species of animals or birds will come in the hospital the next time.


The Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital named the bird Vinny after the curry of Vindaloo. Though he was not a new species, still everyone was happy to treat him and set him free so that it could go on its way.


This is not a single incident as similar incidents had occurred earlier when a small bird fell in tikka masala curry in Wales.

The nurse Lucy Kells of the Vale Wildlife Hospital who attended the bird said that the bird was washed very well and dishwashing liquid was used to do so.


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