Categories: life

This Beautiful Act of Kindness Will Win Your Heart

Have you ever seen the amount of pain and loneliness present in this world? People are sad and they are lonely because they have no friends and they have lost their loved ones.


In a world we are living in today, all human care for is a little happiness and that is often the thing we are not able to get. Being around people is a great thing and we as humans are failing to get it.


Imagine you are all alone, and from eating out at a restaurant to watch a movie, you have to do everything on your own. It would be devastating right? Well, there are hundreds of people in the world who are living such a life.


This incident happened in Oxford when Jamario Howard with his two friends went out to eat at a bbq restraint. They were waiting for their meal to arrive when he suddenly saw this elderly woman who was sitting and eating her meal all by herself. She was old and appeared to be very sad.


Howard looked at her and the first thought that came to his mind was how someone could even eat alone. But the man unlike most of us did not stop there and went to the lady. He asked her if he could join her and she gladly accepted his proposal.


He said “I saw her and she was sad. I didn’t want her to be sad and so I reached out to her. I asked her if I could join her and she said yes. I sat there and we started talking a little.

After a little while, she told me that her husband was dead. She then said that the very next day is her 60th anniversary. I was extremely sad at the moment.”


They later all joined her with their meal and she was happy to at least have company for one meal. Although it was not a very great act for that woman who was all alone, the act made her day and gave her a memory for a lifetime.

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