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Stop Doing These Things That You Saw Your Mom You Do In The Kitchen

We all follow our mothers because she is our role model of course, but did you know following a few of her bad kitchen habits can be harmful to you.


Yes, it can be surprising for you. But it’s true, and you should know about those bad habits to avoid upcoming problems.


We are not saying that it’s our mom’s fault but she did because she has learned it from her mother or grandmother.


1. She left breakfast leftovers on the counter all day

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When everyone has finished their breakfast, Mom wraps up leftover biscuits, sausage, bacon, and any other salvageable bites, put it them into a plastic container, and leaves them on the kitchen counter, Right?


No way… it’s better to leave food on a counter at room temperature for at least two hours when you do that you put yourself in danger of bacterial contamination, that could lead to an upset stomach, cramps, even vomiting.

Avoid that risk, and pop any meat, eggs, sauces, or other ingredients (toast and biscuits can stay out) in the fridge.


2. She thawed meat in the sink while at work

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Mom thaw chicken for tonight’s dinner until she was ready to walk out the door for work. Eek! Quick! Pop the brick of ice that will be chicken breasts tonight into the sink and walk out, yes?


You invite some serious bacterial dilemma by doing this. Like cooked food, you should never leave raw food out at room temperature for more than two hours. Bacteria can start to grow very fast In the warmer temps, and it may make you sick if you eat it later.


Proper thawing falls into three categories: in the refrigerator, under cold water, and in the microwave.

3. She threw spaghetti against the wall to test its doneness

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This trick can be useful, but sticky spaghetti will cling to a wall. But it can fail because sticky spaghetti has less to do with doneness and more to do with, well, just being sticky.


Stickiness does not indicate doneness. Cooks expert say that spaghetti should be cooked al dente or to the tooth. That is, it should be tender with every bite, but should not be mushy. Al dente pasta doesn’t have a particular level of stickiness, so it might be right to the tooth but wrong to the wall.


4. She stashed tomatoes in the fridge’s crisper drawer

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Cold storage is not appropriate for tomatoes and many other fruits and vegetables, too. Potatoes, onions, garlic, and bananas, to name a few. Tomatoes will turn grainy in the cold temps. The flavor also gets change. You can still eat these ruby red fruits, but the experience will not be as good as it should.


It’s better to leave tomatoes on your counter to ripen and use them as soon as they’re ready.

5. You store bacon grease on the counter

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We were thinking to give a lecture to Mom about storing rendered bacon fat, but it turns out it’s both common and safe. However, there are a few tips that can make it safer, and to help the grease last longer.


If you are cooking a batch of bacon for the weekend, don’t pour that liquid gold down the drain. Save it, store it, and use it again in everything from sauteed veggies to cornbread.

Once your bacon is ready, strain it through a fine-mesh sieve into a glass jar, the jar should be washed with soap and rinsed with hot water. Take the solids out from the bacon fat it will help the grease to live last longer without spoiling. These bits can burn and could give a bitter taste when you cook with the fat again later.




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