Categories: life

Vegetarian Woman Used A Patch With the Scent of Bacon to Curb Her Desires For Meat

Every year, people make New Year resolutions that they often fail to fulfill.


Some are difficult, and some are just too boring to adhere to. Just like everyone else, this girl also fails to take New Year’s resolutions that are difficult to achieve. For instance, give up bread, stop smoking and drinking, lose 191 stone.


She says it’s a vicious cycle that never seems to break up. Just like other years, she took a new year’s resolution of losing weight and giving up all the favorite things she likes. For a starter, she decided to move forward with only veggies diet.


After a few days, she started developing love towards steak. Though she didn’t like steak that much, after going all veggies with her diet, she started having dreams about steak.


She didn’t know why she had such peculiar dreams about steak, and maybe it was an indication that her body was giving regarding the meat cravings. The dream started to happen straight three weeks a month. Initially, she started swapping chicken with Quorn and sausages with vegetarian ones.


There is plenty of meat-free alternatives available in the market that don’t require swapping ingredients out of the meal. But, she wanted to keep up with her resolution and not give in to the craving, so she decided to try the world’s first meat patch that was made inspired by nicotine patches.


It was baked at the University of Oxford by sensory expert Professor Charles Spencer. The meat patch is infused with bacon scent which is released when scratched, curbing the cravings.


She slammed the firs patch on her arms, and it looked like plaster, but it didn’t actually work as she was still feeling the sensations of eating meat.


When it was time to remove the patch, it was an even more painful experience. It felt as if the patch would tear her skin off. So, in a nutshell, the meat patch did nothing apart from giving her bruises.


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