Categories: life

A Baby Girl Was Coincidently Born on 9/11, at 9:11, Weighing 9.11 LBS

Co incidents happen but it looks like we have a major one here that literally surprised everyone who has heard about it.


A little girl was born on 9/11 at exactly 9:11, and the weight she was born in was 9.11 as well.


Tennessee resident Cametrione Malone-Brown was taken in for a C-section delivery at 8:55 pm as she screamed in pain. The date was 9/11 and everyone was surprised to hear the baby’s first cry at exactly 9.11 pm.


The doctors, nurses, and the father Justin Brown were all amazed as well as excited about the coincident that had just happened.


The little baby girl Christina Malone-Brown was then taken out, cleaned and was placed on the scale to know how much she weighed and Justin was left in shock to see that his baby girl weighed 9lbs 7oz exactly. What a massive coincidence.


Of course, it is a sad day for what happened 18 years ago. More than 2,996 people were found dead while there were more than 6,000 people who were left injured in the accident.


The history cannot be rewritten but at least the day changed its meaning for this little family that will only remember it as the day of best con incidents ever happened to them.


The doctor who delivered the baby girl said that she is a 9.11, 9.11, and 9.11, baby. The hospital later shared the coincident on their Twitter as well. From Twitter, there was no stopping as the news and the pictures of the baby girl went viral.


Cametrione said “We had never expected our tiny little baby girl will be such a huge surprise. She is everything to us and she has brought so much happiness in our lives. Also, 9/11 will never be the same sad day for us.”

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