Categories: Entertainmentlife

An Artist Started A Profitable Business By Creatively Drawing On An Organ

Drawing d**k portraits is not limited to fictional movies like Superbad where Jonah Hill was skilled in depicting a human penis in the most elaborate way possible.


An Australian boy is making a handsome amount of money from drawing d**ks and sending them to people.

Brendan Pearce has been doing that for years now, and it looks like this is a promising business for him.

“I drew my fair share of penises during my formative years, but I think where I differed slightly was the choice to pursue it in a professional capacity,” he told LADbible.


“When you find something you love doing I think you really have to grab it with both hands.


“I have spent countless hours working on my penis drawing skills but it’s only been in recent years that I was lucky enough to be able to share that passion with the world.”


Brendan explained that it was just a hobby for him at the start when he worked at the creative agency Orange Digital but now it is his way of earning a living.

It all started when Brendan and his team were assigned with the task to fill a load of blank cards with creative ideas in a very short time.


At that time, the slightly offensive idea struck the Aussie artist’s mind – and as it turns out, it changed his life.


Only when people actually sent d**k drawings to their loved ones, Brendan realized the potential of the art and decided to make it his full-time business rather than just a hobby.


“It’s nice to have found my calling and to be able to use my penis drawing skills to be part of such a good news story,” said the Brisbane native boy.

“The drawings make wonderful gifts and at least 50 percent of profits raised go to a great cause – men’s health charities, primarily the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia.


“I’ve now sent about 1,000 orders of sophisticated penis artwork to people around the world, and being able to raise money for charity makes it very satisfying.


“I’m honored that some art critics now even place me among the world’s leading creators of hand-drawn, charitable phallic art.”


Prices for printed d**k portraits start at just $7.50 a piece which is a very attractive price, to be honest.

You can see the whole range of d**ks, all sizes, shapes, and categories, in the wildest positions you can think, on the Aussie artist’s Instagram account.


Brendan takes half to one hour to complete a custom d**k portrait.


If you are wondering how can someone enjoy drawing d**ks, Brendan has an explanation.


“It’s kind of the joke that everyone gets,” he told LADbible. “It’s a fun subject that gives people a laugh but it also gets attention which can be channeled in a positive way.

“A penis could possibly be a ‘risque’ subject for art, but I’ve always approached it in a wholesome and humorous way.


They really are there to provide an amusing and heartwarming gift and put a smile on people’s faces while also bringing some attention and raising much-needed funds for men’s health charities.”


Brendan said that over the last four years for which he has been running the business, his family has been extremely supportive of him.


The Australian artist believes that he has seen a load of depictions of d**ks in how his clients brief him and he sees new ideas every day.

The eeriest orders he received include drawing a d**k depicting David Bowie being crushed by a penis that looks like Freddie Mercury having a caption ‘Under Pressure,’ a Christmas lobster which is actually a d**k, and a three-stage diagram showing a d**k performing a muscle-up.


Brendan’s art is not limited to drawing the male reproductive organ only, he is actually incorporating it into classic pop culture.


“A few I’m most proud of would be a Miley Cyrus wrecking ball penis, the ‘Here’s Johnny’ scene from The Shining, and the Pennywise drain scene from IT,” he said.

“Portraits of friends as a penis are always a favorite of customers.”



