Categories: Healthlife

Anti-Vaxxers Want To Replace The ‘Offensive’ Term With ‘Vaccine Risk Aware’ Individuals

Anti-vaxxers have spoken out and defended their ‘human rights’ by asking people to drop the “offensive” and “inaccurate” term and replace it with “vaccine risk aware” individuals.


As CrazyMothers, the group that advocates against the use of vaccines based on debunked studies that falsely linked vaccines to various diseases, announced, the word ‘anti-vaxxers’ is “inflammatory” and “derogatory.”

George Frey – Getty Images

“Dear media, please retire the use of the term ‘anti-vaxxer,’” the online community wrote in their Instagram and Twitter posts.


“It is derogatory, inflammatory, and marginalizes both women and their experiences. It is dismissively simplistic, highly offensive and largely false. We politely request that you refer to us as the vaccine risk aware. Thank you!”


Needless to say, the group’s request wasn’t met with too much enthusiasm. While some users agreed that the “highly offensive” word should be abandoned, others quickly came up with alternatives such as “bio-terrorists,” “plague enthusiasts,” and “dangerously uninformed and insisting that public health experts indulge your fantasies.”


“Anti-vaxxers threaten the lives of children, their own & more importantly other children. Their anti-science extremists who ignore experts & have a delusional sense of their own of their own intellectual & moral significance. They should be mocked,” one angry person responded.


“Deaf guy here. For deaf people of my generation, the #1 cause of *permanent* deafness was measles,” another one explained. “When you see an older person signing in ASL, just remember they spent a lifetime like that because there WAS NO VACCINE. Now it’s happening again because of DELIBERATE anti-vax BS.”


The third one wrote: “By definition, you are not vaccine risk aware. You are misguided at best, and actively child endangering at worst. If it offends you, tough – folks like you actively contributing to a massive rise in child deaths offends me.”


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