Categories: Foodlife

Angry Mom Said That Her Vegetarian Aldi Lasagne Sauce Tasted Like Bacon

Rianne Ward, a 39-year-old woman, claims that she got super angry after smelling the Lasagne sauce as it smells like Bacon and tastes like Bacon.


Ward converted her religion to Islam some years back and abstained from eating pork. She said that the sauce was tagged as a vegetarian thing, but it tasted like Bacon. She felt so sick after eating the sauce that she asked the staff to smell the sauce.

Derbyshire Live

She was eating with her son, and then her son said that mom this sauce smells like Bacon and that’s when she tried it and it tasted like Bacon. She felt so sick after eating it that she right away went back to the store.


Ward thought that the sauce is contaminated and that’s why she asked them to smell it and tell. Ward got so furious because she thinks she has done wrong to her religion and this is why she filed a complaint against the store.

Ward also kept the jar in her fridge for evidence so that she can bring it up against the store when needed.

Derbyshire Live

Aldi told Ward that they would test the sauce and let her know if it was contaminated, but Ward was so furious for betraying her religion because of this.


The spokesperson from Aldi said that they are sorry to hear whatever Ward faced because of the sauce, but they can assure her that the sauce is ultimately meat free and doesn’t have Bacon in it.

It’s just the smokey smell in the sauce which is giving it a different taste than others.

Derbyshire Live

Aldi also spoke about the campaigns about how meats products can increase the risk of bowel cancer and which is why people should avoid consumption.


Though people are not raising enough awareness about how it can cause cancer, we must let everyone know the risk they encourage with such products.

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