Categories: life

Eco-Warriors Blocking Roads And Causing Massive Delays By Dancing On The Streets

With climate change at our doorstep, eco-warriors in London have started blocking the streets and causing massive delays in an attempt to force the government to take more action when it comes to the sensitive topic.


For days, the activists have been causing mayhem across the city and obstructing the capital’s transport network, resulting in the city losing over $15 million in lost sales.

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Recently, four activists also positioned themselves outside the home of the Labour leader and demanded that the party declares a “climate emergency.”


While green lovers continue to applaud the activists for their efforts, angry businesses and commuters who are being cut off from their homes and work say that eco-warriors should be arrested.

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The activists have been blocking major routes both on the surface as well as underground. Despite the police doing their best to keep them at bay, the eco-warriors are taking the situation lightly and resort to gluing themselves on public transport, dancing, yoga, and singing to counter the authorities.


“So surreal. Like Glastonbury, but in the middle of one of London’s busiest bridges,” one shocked observer said.

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Others, however, weren’t so forgiving. “Just get out there and arrest and jail the lot of them,” one angry commuter said.


While over 300 arrests for public disorder and obstruction of highways have been made, the movement is far from being suppressed.

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“It’s completely ridiculous, we are losing so much money. There’s no one here. The police need to do something soon as it’s crippling our business,” the manager of Marble Arch News, 26-year-old Jay Patel, said.


24-year-old Sefan White who was stopped by protesters on his way to work added:

“I work for a company that makes a bar snacks in 100 percent recycled packaging – the first in the UK. I’m devastated. I’m trying to get to a job now. We’ve got to go round Camden on a 30-pub journey and we’re going to be late now.


“We’re probably going to lose money today. They’ve had their picture, fair enough, that’s all you need now. Why is he spending 15 minutes on top of the tube? Explain that.”


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