Categories: Foodlife

8 Foods That Are The Best Natural Sources Of Vitamin C


Vitamin C is widely talked about and so common nowadays but it doesn’t take away the fact that it’s an important vitamin for your health.


For one, it shields your cells from the damage caused by free radicals. It’s also an important component in the growth and repair of your tissues. It also assists your body in producing collagen, which makes up your blood vessels, skin, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, and more. Vitamin C is also crucial in the healing of wounds and repairing of bones and teeth.

While it’s obvious that vitamin C is essential to optimum health, the human body does not produce nor store this vitamin, which is why a daily intake of vitamin C is recommended. Pumping yourself up with vitamin C reduces the time you are sick and reduces the severity of your symptoms. It also strengthens your immune system.

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While taking vitamin pills are okay, you can at least enjoy your food while still getting your recommended daily dose by eating food that is naturally rich in this important vitamin. Here are the top natural sources of vitamin C according to USDA’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans:


1 – Guava

You may have thought oranges would make the top of the list but it’s actually the guava. Half a cup of the fruit gets you 188 milligrams of vitamin C.

2 – Red pepper

Studies have shown that red peppers are just loaded with vitamin C. Half a cup gives you 142 milligrams of the vitamin at only 20 calories.


3 – Kiwi

A medium-sized serving of kiwi contains 70 milligrams of vitamin C which is enough to meet an adult’s daily vitamin C requirement.

4 – Orange

While it may be surprising that oranges only take up the middle of the pack, a medium-sized serving still gives you 70 milligrams of the vitamin. Juicing can give you up to 93 milligrams per three-quarters of a cup.


5 – Green pepper

Eaten raw, this vegetable provides 60 milligrams of vitamin C each half cup. But when cooked, you only get 51 milligrams per half cup.


6 – Grapefruit

A fresh serving of the fruit provides 39 milligrams of vitamin C while juicing it gives you anywhere from 50 to 70 milligrams per three-fourths of a cup.

7 – Tomato juice

You don’t just get carotenoid and lycopene from tomatoes. This fruit also comes packed with vitamin C. An 8-ounce glass of tomato juice gives you 18 milligrams of the vitamin which is nearly three-quarters of the daily-recommended dose for adult males.


8 – Strawberries

Not only is this fruit a rich source of fiber and antioxidants, but it also has a high vitamin C content. A 100-gram serving will give you 58.8 milligrams of the vitamin.

And there you have it. If you feel that popping a vitamin C tablet is too boring, you can easily cook up a healthy concoction with these ingredients to still get your daily recommended dose. You might want to do it anyway even after taking that vitamin pill!



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