Categories: Healthlife

2 Hours Of Standing At Work Can Improve Your Health

Standing for a long time makes us tired and we always prefer to sit than standing while working.


But, a new study has revealed that standing for at least 2 hours per day at work keeps us healthy and fit. Standing helps in preventing your body from many health risks that include diabetes, obesity, various lifestyle diseases, and hypertension.


People who like to sit for long hours while working are at higher risk of developing dangerous health conditions. Being physically active is very important.


The study suggests that every individual’s daily standing time should be at least 3-4 hours per day. This will reduce the prolonged hours of sitting.

To make it possible, offices should have at least a sit-stand desk so, the workers can just sit and stand to work whenever they want.

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People spend at least 70-80% of their working hours sitting on their chairs. Which cause them several lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity.


The management should be careful towards their employee’s health in the offices and should encourage their employees to work on sit and stand desks, so they can move during their working hours.

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Walking around the office and standing for 2 hours is good for health. This light activity is good especially for those who hardly do any physical activity all through the day.


Doing light stretching in at least 30-40 minutes of sitting period and changing your posture is also helpful for your body and could help to reduce fatigue muscle pain and back pain, study suggests.

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A panel of experts from the United Kingdom recommended that people with office jobs stand up for at least 2 hours a day at work.





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