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17 Simple Life Hacks To Make Your Pregnancy A Little Easier (And Fun!)

Pregnancy is a wonderful period of time for any woman who wants to have kids.


For the expectant mother, it is a proof of one’s fertility and validates one’s ability to bring a new life into the world. It is indeed a great power that only women are capable of achieving. That being said, during a woman’s pregnancy, she will face many changes and challenges especially if it will be her first time.

Luckily, the Internet provides an almost limitless resource to learn from the past experiences of mothers around the world. So check out these simple suggestions that will help you get through your pregnancy as comfortable as possible. Finding out that you’re going to be a mother is exciting, so the time spent waiting for that special day when your child is born shouldn’t be any less exciting as well!



1. Grab (Pun Intended) Inspiration From A Tool The Elderly Use

A tummy area that steadily increases in size will also make it difficult and awkward to bend and move as the months go by. In that case, a grabber is going to be your best friend when you need to grab something that you can’t reach but hubby is not around to help.


2. Get Creative With Your Clothes

A great way to pass the nine months of waiting for your baby to come out is to cut the bottom off an old tank top to create a filler layer between your top and your pants. Since it only covers a small part of your body, it’s not hot or uncomfortable at all.


3. Take Advantage Of State Regulations

Depending on the state, you may be able to use specially reserved parking slots for “expecting” women. While this concept is still new, a lot of establishments do have special parking spaces for the handicapped. Some states allow pregnant women to use handicap parking and it’s only a matter of applying for a permit to take advantage of this provision.


4. There’s A Way To Keep Using The Same Bra

Among the many physical changes that you can expect during your pregnancy is the swelling of your mammary glands as your body prepares the breast milk that you will use to feed your baby. However, even as your boobs continue to grow, it doesn’t mean that you need to ditch your old bras at the same pace. A simple hack is to remove the clasps off another bra and attach them to the one you’re using. Just like that!


5. Have A Donut

No, not the pastry (unless you’re really craving it). This is so you can sleep on your tummy, though if you always sleep on your side you can just jump to #8.


You can use any donut-shaped device, such as the flotation device used in swimming pools. Just dress it up in your favorite color and doze away in complete bliss while lying down on your stomach.


6. Cool It Off

Pregnancy literally turns on the heat and you can feel like you’re always hanging out in the sauna. One quick way to gain some relief is to store your bra in the freezer and then wear it. Even for only a few minutes, that cool feeling will make it seem like you’re on top of the world.


7. Do A Santa And Make A List…

… of things that need to be done. While you’re pregnant, you are the queen and people around you will sometimes literally line up to help you. Remember, they are just as excited as you are about the new addition to the family. It helps take the load off and makes both friends and loved ones feel that they are an integral part of your journey.


8. Prepare In Advance

After your baby is born, expect a lot of sleepless nights and constant exhaustion. Use the time you have during your pregnancy to prepare and organize first aid items so that once your baby inevitably gets that first cold, you don’t have to scramble around looking for medicine and fray your nerves further with another thing to worry about.


9. Mommy Sweaters For The Win

You won’t be using them forever but you can get the most out of them by having them before you actually need them. Just make sure to factor in a bigger size so that you can continue to use them even as you grow over the next few months and after you give birth.


10. You Don’t Need To Be Into BDSM To Use Safe Words

Hormonal changes are part and parcel of every pregnancy and that can make you snap out even if you don’t intend to. Make life a little bit easier on your partner by designating a safe word to signal that they’re not really the target of any sudden outburst on your part.


Of course, avoid choosing phrases like “This is your doing” or anything similar that points to them being at fault.


11. Pee Before Anything

As the fetus grows, your uterus will be exerting more and more pressure on your bladder until even a short cough could send you waddling into the bathroom. So before doing anything, make sure to pee first so that if something happens like gagging while brushing your teeth, you won’t have to puzzle out how to clean that puddle that you can’t even reach.


12. Don’t Make A Mess

It won’t just be your bladder that will be under pressure but everything else on the lower half of your body. That’s why preparing little things like barf bags, wet napkins, and other necessities can save you a whole lot of worry (and potential embarrassment) down the road.


13. Recliners Can Be A Godsend

Although recliners take up a lot of space and you may think that they’re only for the elderly, you’ll be thanking the high heavens that you have one if you get heartburn. The angle provided by the recliner will be better for your body than a regular bed would be.


14. Mark Your Calendars Way In Advance

You’re not the only one who’s pregnant so there can be a lot of competition as far as getting appointments are concerned. So what can be booked in advance should be booked in advance, right now. This will make it easier to work around the other things that you need to do in a day, such as your job.


15. Buttons Up!

This simple but awesome trick will allow you to wear those favorite jeans from before you had a baby belly. Being able to use your non-preggy clothes also helps keep clothing expenses down (not a small thing considering all the other expenses you will need to deal with).


16. Do The Tape

You can be creative with a little bit of sports tape. After all, sports tape is supposed to keep things in place, and it will work just as well for your baby bump as it would for an athlete’s body.


17. Be Proud!

You will be in this state for nine months, so you may as well enjoy it, show it off, and let people know that you’re happily pregnant. You carry a life within you and that’s the most empowering feeling in the world!