Categories: life

Young NHS Workers Are Working 13-Hour Shifts Combating Coronavirus, And The Pictures are Heartbreaking

A teenager who is working frontline fighting coronavirus for 13-hours straight just shared a heartbreaking selfish and slammed citizens who still continue to ignore the lockdown.



Lucy Hutchings (19) revealed how emotionally exhausting it has been treating senior patients who are fighting with coronavirus. Some of the patients she is treating are already end-of-life support.


She works at Southampton General Hospital revealed that the healthcare center is running out of medical protective requirements, and it makes her scare about the constantly increasing number of coronavirus patients in the country.


Lucy also revealed that a majority, including her own, have been completely closed for other patients as they will only be treating COVID-19 patients.


She said that they are treating patients who are on end-of-life support, and people do not need ventilators. Additionally, a lot of patients, especially the ones in the late 60s and above, need oxygen. She said that you could see it in their eyes that they are suffering from a lot of pain.


Even when they say they are fine, you know they are not. Lucy further added that it breaks her heart to see the people who are suffering from this killer virus. She added that it is scary because it appears that things are going to get worse, and all this is just a beginning.


Lucy Hutchings said that she feels anxious about the entire situation. While a majority of patients in her ward are above the age of 40, they are warned that the hospital may soon witness an influx of younger people as well.

People think that it is alright; they would not get it, and it is fine. And this attitude is what killing hundreds of people every day. The quicker people understand that they should stay inside, the quicker this all will be over.


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