Categories: Entertainmentlife

A Young Man Ended Up With A Swollen Mustache After Dyeing It

November is the time when a number of people from all over the world grow their facial hair to get a brand new look.


The month is usually celebrated as ‘no shave’ by the youngsters who are yet to decide whether they are going to have facial hair or not.

One of the reasons for observing No-Shave November is showing solidarity with cancer patients, which makes it a sort of good thing to do.


However, like all other fields of life, not everyone is equally blessed in this respect as well.

While some of us can grow a thick velvety beard by just not shaving for a fortnight, others can’t seem to get a dense fluff even after trying all the beard products.


For everyone participating in the No-Shave November thing, no matter if they have a dense fluffy beard or a patchy curly one, here’s something to take care of when you plan on dying it. Dominic Gibbons, from Cwbran, Wales, learned it the hard way.


Gibbons dyed his mustache to get a new look but ended up getting a look he never would have wanted at all. In an interview with LADbible, Gibbons advised people to be careful while dying their facial hair.


Telling his painful story, Gibbons said: “My tash wasn’t dark enough so wanted to dye it and make it stand out.

“So I dyed the mustache twice for a darker tint but didn’t even patch test it, even though my mom advised me to because I had had a bad reaction to a henna tattoo when I was a kid.”


It was not late before Gibbons knew he had really messed up.

Gibbons continued: “I went to work the next day and it started going red, and by the time Saturday came, it really was starting to show.”


Normally, if we even get a bad haircut, we like to stay low profile until the haircut gets a proper shape but Gibbons decided not to do that.


He continued: “I made a bet with my mate that Liverpool would beat Arsenal, but they drew so I had to jump into a canal, which did not help at all. Leaving the party on Sunday morning, I looked like a Tweenie.

“Turns out that I’m actually really allergic to any dye, luckily it didn’t hurt very much, it was just really uncomfortable.


“I went to hospital on the Monday and it lasted for about a week, so I decided not to go to work looking like a Tweenie.”


Gibbons learned his lesson, but he is still not going to abstain from doing the same again. He is doing the same thing again this year but will take the necessary safety precautions to avoid the adverse effects.


“I’ve decided to just pencil it on this year,” he said. “But my advice to anyone thinking of dyeing theirs would be just to patch test it and don’t jump in canals.”


