Categories: FunlifeQuiz

90% Of People Failed To See What’s Wrong With This Picture! But Can You Point Out The Mistakes?

If you are tired of negativity and saddening news, it’s time to solve a viral picture puzzle that is sure to brighten up your day.


Puzzles and riddles are not only extremely fun but also very beneficial for your overall well-being. From helping you learn how to concentrate to boosting your cognitive abilities, mental workouts are a great way to spend your free time.

Without further ado, let’s get started!


In the picture above, you can see a nursery room. Though there are no people in sight, one can assume that someone is spending lots of time in there because there are a bunch of items lying all around.


On the wall, you can see framed paintings, giant letters, and a big clock. On the floor, one can also notice a wooden crib, a rocking chair, and a bunch of clothes and toys.

Source – Pexels

Nothing out of the ordinary so far, right?


Wrong! There are actually several major errors in this picture puzzle and it’s your job to spot them in less than one minute to pass the test. How many mistakes can you find?

Just to clarify things – by mistakes, we are referring to objects with an unusual appearance or objects that don’t look or operate the way they should. Get started!

Source – Pexels

How many odd objects did you find so far? We can tell you that you’re looking for three mistakes. One is somewhere on the floor, the other on the wall behind, and the last one on the left side of the picture.


With that being said, have another close look at the picture and give it your best shot. Keep in mind that only the most observant viewers were able to spot all the mistakes without help!

Source – Pexels

Once you’re done with your search, or once you’re ready to give up and check the solution, scroll down to view the location of the errors.


How many mistakes did you find? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more puzzles and stories, follow us on Facebook!