Categories: FunlifeQuiz

90% Of People Couldn’t See What’s Wrong With This Picture! But Can You?

Shopping at a food market is a unique experience that everyone should give a try at least once in their lives.


If you frequently buy your fresh produce at a local market, you’re probably already familiar with the prices of different foods and bargaining methods. But can you spot a mistake that’s right in front of you?

©Brainy County

It’s time to put your eyes to the ultimate test and see if you have what it takes to be called a puzzle master.


Check out the picture above carefully and spot the error in 30 seconds to pass the challenge. Something is very wrong with the image and only a small percentage of people will be able to find out what.

To solve the mystery, we suggest you focus on those fruits. See anything unusual about them?

Source – Pixabay

The answer to this puzzle is somewhere in that box full of apples. Now is your final chance to have another look before we reveal the solution.


The mistake you were looking for are the leaves of the apples. They have serrated edges when they should be rounded.

©Brainy County

If you didn’t find this challenge hard enough, or if you want to have some more fun, we encourage you to try and crack the puzzle below as well.


This time, you are looking at an oak tree with catkins hanging off of it. In the distance, you might also see massive clouds and a mountain range.

But where’s the mistake this time?

©Brainy County

To spot the error, think about what you see in the picture. Even better, read our description of the picture above because the error is already mentioned there!


The mistake you were looking for are all of those catkins. As we revealed, and as the leaves suggest, the tree is oak, and oak trees produce acorns, not catkins.

©Brainy County

What are your thoughts on these puzzles? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more riddles and stories, follow us on Facebook!