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Woman With Rare Sleeping Disorder Spent £3k Unconsciously On Online Shopping

A 37-year-old woman named Kelly Knipes, from Basildon, Essex suffers from a rare sleeping disorder – parasomnia.


Watch the woman who bought items worth £3k unconsciously

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After she gave birth to her first child seven years ago, she began suffering from a rare condition called parasomnia which makes her sleepwalk and sleep shop.


One day, Kelly found out that she had bought a full-sized plastic basketball court unconsciously.


She had also purchased hundreds of pounds worth of Haribo sweets and £58 worth of cookie jars unconsciously.


The mother-of-three has spent £3k due to her rare sleeping disorder. But, Kelly returned all those products she bought unconsciously via her smartphone.

Kelly said: “I bought a full-size basketball court from eBay, and when it turned up at my house the next day, I just refused delivery. I would never actually have to put any credit card details when I was buying things online because it was all saved on my phone.”


“It was all on my phone and everything that is on my phone is accessible by touch. I was racking up debt everywhere.”


When Kelly was a child, she would occasionally sleepwalk. But, after the birth of her first child seven years ago, she also started sleep shopping.

She said that because she has three disabled children, everyone just kept putting it down to the stress of looking after her children.

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She then consulted Dr.point 123 | Samuel who suggested her a trial of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device.point 197 | 1

She now wears an oxygen mask at night to regulate her breathing. She said: “When I had the CPAP machine I felt rested and re-energized for the first time in ages. It really has given me my life back.”


“Since starting CPAP, I have not had any abnormal sleep behaviors, have not shopped online at night, my headaches have ceased and I am not depressed. If it wasn’t for Dr. Samuel, I don’t know where I would be.”




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