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Woman Shares Text Messages After Waking Up In Bedsheets Stained With Brown Color

Many times, men do things that will enable them to show how caring they can be.


But during certain occasions, they simply do things just to make others laugh.

A woman named Abi Shenton was left perplexed when she woke up with brown smeared substance, which was all over her along with the hair and the bedsheets.

She questioned the man who was responsible and wanted to know what could’ve had happened during the night. She shared a screenshot on Twitter and captioned it as “Men??”. 


The screenshot was the conversation she had with the man responsible for the brown stains on the pillows and bedsheets.


She questioned him by asking what is the brown substance that is all over her, and the man responsible replied by saying they were Choco stars.

He left them on her face when she was fast asleep. Abi asked him the thought behind it, and he simply replied with one word “Funny”. Abi’s screenshot went viral on Twitter and received over 9000 likes on it.


Many viewers commented on her tweet, and one person called it to be the next level of being vile.

Another individual said how calm and composed Abi is in this whole situation, and another individual expressed disappointment by saying, men are just so annoying.


Apart from them, other users had a completely different view of the situation. One user said that it was a sign of affection, and she was treating it like a nuisance. 


Another individual backed the man and told Abi to forgive him as the situation is pretty cute and the other one labeled it to be a kings’ mentality.


Unlike this matter, another man who proved men cannot be trusted when he was exposed by his girlfriend on social media. It all started with building a romantic treasure hunt at home. 


After Katie Warman experienced a candlelit bath, she found another note at the back of the bathroom door. After completing 10 more clues she finally reached the fridge where the final clue was kept, and the note read “Now that you are here, please make some food for me”.


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