Categories: Animals/Petslife

Woman Rescued A Sable From The Fur Farm And Decided To Keep It As Her Pet

When Zhenya saw a picture of a wild sable online, she immediately fell in love with it.


She decided to know more about it. She found out that the animal has one of the most expensive kinds of fur in the world. The fur industry knows its value and finds it superior in comparison to other animals. Its silky texture and range of colors from beige to black are so uncommon.


In Russia, the demand for sable fur is growing as it’s used to produce items such as bedspreads and even underwear. According to reports, there are around 70 farms in the country that raise and kill wild sable and other animals for their fur.


So, Zhenya decided to rescue the poor critter. “Eventually, I learned that there was an opportunity to buy her out from a fur farm,” the woman told Bored Panda. “She would have died there, so I decided to save the little fella.”


Now, they are living together and enjoying life to the fullest. However, Zhenya worked hard for it. “Umora has a difficult personality. Living in the fur farm took a toll on her, so she’s quite emotional, sometimes even a bit hysterical. Umora is also cheeky and likes to steal stuff. She’s very active and smart as well.”


Zhenya even advises against keeping a sable as a pet. “One has to go through a lot before they can start living with it comfortably,” she said. “It requires a lot of time and patience. It might even take a couple of years for you to begin to fully enjoy your life with it.”


Sables mostly live in burrows near riverbanks and the thickest corners of woods. They are good at climbing cliffs and trees and primarily hunt during the hours of twilight. But they are more active in the day during the mating season.




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