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A Woman Won Instagram Fame By Showcasing All The Outfits Her Boyfriend ‘Hates’

Olivia Jackson / Clothes My Boyfriend Hates

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It’s tough when the people close to you criticize your choice in fashion, especially if you spent so much effort (or money) on them. One woman from the United Kingdom has decided to turn that criticism around and use it as motivation to empower herself and other women instead.


Olivia Jackson received some “sarcastic comments” from her boyfriend about the outfits she wore. That’s why the 24-year-old marketing manager from London got inspired to create Clothes My Boyfriend Hates. In it, she showcases the very outfits her boyfriend “hates” and has gained more than 19,000 followers on Instagram.


Jackson recently told INSIDER that she wants to “empower women” with her blog. She created the Instagram page first in March 2018 and the blog on May 2018. While she didn’t start the blog in order to shame her boyfriend or his opinions, she wanted to show her “willingness to wear them” anyway and saw the blog as a tool to “empower women.”


“I wanted to, and still aim to, empower women to dress for themselves rather for others around them,” Jackson said.

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Olivia Jackson / Clothes My Boyfriend Hates

“I regularly get messages from women thanking me for inspiring them to be a bit more brave with their fashion choices, which I absolutely love,” Jackson continued.point 394 |


“On the whole, reactions are overwhelmingly supportive, and I’ve met a lovely community of women who are now dressing for themselves, which is great.point 138 | point 145 | 1

Jackson tells her story in “sarcastic tones” and some viewers misinterpret her posts because of that. As an example, Jackson featured a popular garment from Zara that she revamped and titled her post “Turning a dress my boyfriend hates into one he hates even more.”


“Very, very occasionally, the sarcastic tone of my Instagram and blog posts is misinterpreted to mean that my boyfriend is controlling what I wear, which is absolutely not the case,” Jackson said.

“Despite his sarcastic comments and eye rolls, he still comes out with me wearing a ‘hospital gown’ or ‘mechanics outfit’ and is totally supportive of me wearing what I want and dressing for myself,” she continued.


And even if her boyfriend is the target of her sarcastic posts, Jackson avers that he “has a great sense of humor” and is “really supportive.” He even thinks her blog and Instagram pages are “really funny.”


“He loves that I’ve found a community of other women who’s partners hate their fashion choices too,” Jackson said.

Olivia Jackson / Clothes My Boyfriend Hates

An initial nervousness about her choice in fashion has turned into a confidence “to go all out.”


“I used to be nervous about being more bold [sic] in my fashion choices,” Jackson said. “I started small, changing elements of my outfits until I was confident enough to go all out.”

And once she became confident in wearing clothes that she felt comfortable in, she discovered that her new style has gained enthusiastic acceptance among friends and family. And that’s why she wants everyone else to do the same.


“Take the plunge, and people may just love you even more,” she said.