Categories: FunlifeQuiz

Which Of These Women Is Lying? Take A Close Look To Find The Hidden Clue!

While we all love to pretend to be unstoppable detectives, cracking our puzzles may not be as easy as you’d hope.


If your observation skills could still use some honing, worry not. We’re here to polish your abilities and make sure you have fun while solving the puzzles we have prepared for you.


As seen in the picture above, you’ve been hired as a detective and it’s your job to figure out which of the two women is the real owner of the house.


With no IDs at their disposal, the two women have no way of proving who the house belongs to and you can’t believe a word either of them says.

To crack the mystery, you should focus on the small details in the graphic. Can you identify the owner and expose the liar?

Source – Pixabay

Did you spot the hidden clue yet? If not, try taking another look at those frames in the background. Perhaps they can help you end the quarrel?


As it happens, the lady on the left is the real owner of the house, and the woman on the right is lying. She is clearly a fan of dogs, but as the framed photo on the right shows, the person living in the home is a cat owner.


Did you manage to spot the hidden clue and solve the puzzle? How long did that take you?


Here’s comes another visual challenge. This time, however, it’s all about testing your vision rather than logical thinking.

In the picture below, you can see a bunch of briefcases. While they all appear identical, one of them is different. Spot the odd one out!


If you managed to find the difference in under a minute, you are truly an expert. If not, take another look before scrolling down to view the solution.


Here’s one final hint before you give up. The odd one out is hiding somewhere in the third row of briefcases!


Did you enjoy these picture puzzles? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more brain teasers and riddles, follow us on Facebook!