Categories: Entertainmentlife

Woman Who Won $3Million From A Lottery Still Chooses To Keep Her Late Night Shifts At A Supermarket

A lady who won £2.


7million($3m) Lotto jackpot is still stacking Marks & Spencer shelves on 2:00 a.m. shifts. Elaine Thompson said, “I’m sure I will go down as completely bonkers but I’ve had a ball.”

The-64-year-old mom won the jackpot in 1995 lives in Newcastle and works in nearby Wallsend. She says she can’t stay at home as it will make her insane.


Elaine said: “I have a job because I can’t stay in the house, it would drive me nuts. I love it. We stock the floor, do all the reductions. I’ve made loads of fantastic friends and I get to meet the customers too. The guys at work are fantastic.”

Mirror Online

“I was there two years before they knew I’d won the Lottery. I’ve worked all my life. And it’s important for my children to see hard work reaps benefits. We have to hand-sanitize every hour and if on the tills we have to hand-sanitize after every customer.”


“It’s nuts how things are flying off the shelves. People are queuing up 45 minutes before we open. It’s the elderly I feel sorry for,” she said as the coronavirus pandemic created everyone to stack up their pantry.

Mirror Online

She offered a million pounds to her brother who was divorced and living in a hotel. Elaine said: “Sadly, he passed away in 2002 aged 52 but he had seven brilliant years.”


Elaine said: “For a £1($1.16) ticket what a life we’ve had. If I’d not won the Lottery, it might have been a struggle. Who would have thought that a girl from a council house in Wallsend would have had such a superb and lucky life.”

Elaine’s husband Derek who is now retired was an accountant when the couple became among Britain’s first Lottery winners. She added: “Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought this is how my life would end up.”




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