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A Woman Reviewed Burger King’s Impossible Whopper While Skydiving


There are a lot of food connoisseurs and product reviewers out there so it’s difficult to stand out in a field among the likes of Gordon Ramsay, Andrew Zimmern, and other famous food critics.


If one wants to be a food critic these days, you need to bring something new to the table (metaphorically speaking but that can also be taken literally) so that people will take notice.

Watch how this woman uniquely reviewed Impossible Wopper in the video below!


[rumble video_id=v5yg0d domain_id=u7nb2]

Video credit: Rumble

But 24-year-old McKenna Knipe certainly seems to have done that after she pulled off what many thought would be an impossible stunt with, fittingly enough, an Impossible Whopper.


McKenna was filmed wolfing down a Burger King Impossible Whopper as she was hurtling through the sky in her wingsuit. The South Florida resident had hidden the sandwich in her flight jacket and jumped out of the plane as she rode on the back on another skydiver named Steve King.


As she’s streaking through the sky, she calmly holds up the burger, unwraps it, then eats it. And despite the buffeting wind, she even managed to hold onto the burger throughout the whole process.

McKenna got into skydiving three years ago and “fell madly in love with the sport, the lifestyle, and the people.” But now she wants to add her own twist by starting a career doing flying food reviews.


“I am working on starting a YouTube channel of weekly food reviews in the sky, along with a weekly Vlog of the insane shenanigans that comes with the skydiving life both in the sky and on the ground,” she said. And this wasn’t the first time because an older video that went viral shows her eating a slice of pizza while in the air.


“There was a Burger King right down the road and I happen to find the new Impossible burger quite tasty. I also wanted to help promote vegetarianism,” she said.


“So I got the idea to munch on a burger during the rodeo. [King] had the new GoPro MAX and we wanted to give it a try. It ended up working out perfectly.”

So far, there’s still no word on what McKenna’s next flying food review will be. But whatever it is, it’s going to have a lot of, ahem, altitude to it.


