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A Woman Who Lives With Her Four Boyfriends Is Expecting Her First Child

Tory Ojeda, who is currently living in Jacksonville, Florida, is expecting a baby girl.


Tory met her first partner, 18-year-old Marc, when she was in high school. Just two months later, she got into another relationship with 23-year-old Travis. Three years later, Tory and Travis got engaged in July.

But this wasn’t it. Tory also developed a relationship with 22-year-old Ethan, who’s a mutual friend of Tory and Travis, as well as with Christopher, 22.


Watch to find out more of their story below!

[rumble video_id=v5wyjv domain_id=u7nb2]

Video credit: Rumble

Having four romantic partners doesn’t bother Tory or anyone else. All of Tory’s partners are “welcome” to make new relationships, and she even encourages them to do so.



Speaking to Barcroft TV, she said: “Honestly, I would love it if somebody found a second partner.

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“Dividing time and figuring out schedules between all five people and making sure everyone feels included, it’s kind of difficult.


“I’d like to not be the only woman in the relationship. That would definitely be nice.”

All four of them have their own bedrooms. They “swap in and out” of Tory’s room to make sure each of them gets an equal chance of spending their night with 20-year-old Tory.


Speaking of if the four men ever get jealous of one another, Ethan said: “There are a couple of healthy ways to deal with it. Primarily just talking to each other.”

Travis added: “There’s always going to be like little moments of jealousy, it does take a certain amount of restraint and just getting relaxed. I will say it helps if you know the person.

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“Seeing [Tory] with Ethan was a lot easier because I was friends with him.

“Her and Chris was a bit dicier at first, there was a lot more jealousy and I’ll openly admit that. The same goes for Marc because I’d never interacted with them.”


The unconventional family found out seven months ago that Tory was pregnant with a child.

“Chris is the biological father. We just know that because of timing and when the approximate conception date was,” Tory claimed.

“Based off of the approximate conception day, we had been on vacation. So it was only us.


“But as far as I guess, socially goes, we’re all raising the baby together, so everyone’s dad. We’re all very, very excited to be raising a baby together.”

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Speaking of how he feels about sharing a baby with three more men, Christopher said: “It’s definitely a little interesting.


“I grew up with the idea of you know, one dad, one mum. But there is a lot of support between all of us dads and it’s something we can tag team.

“We always joke about the idea of getting stack in an endless loop of go ask your dad.”

While all five of them have no problem living in polyamory, some of their respective family members are yet to approve this unusual relationship.


Tory said: “Most of my friends know all my partners and they love us and think that we’re cute and such. My family is kind of quiet about their disapproval.

“Polyamory is definitely an uncommon thing.

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“A lot of people have grown up in monogamy culture of, you don’t really love someone if you have eyes for somebody else.”


Chris added: “My family is slowly coming around to the idea. The pregnancy has helped with that. But at the very beginning, I know my mother and father were hesitant about it.

“Her main concern was that she didn’t like the idea of me having a partner who was not fulfilled with me alone.”


However, Tory’s older brother, Alistair, and Ethan’s family are very supportive.

Alistair said: “I will admit that since I’m her older brother, that I just have that tendency I suppose to be protective.

“I’m more so concerned that she’s happy, that she is in a relationship where they both love each other mutually or in this case more people love each other mutually.

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“I don’t see anything wrong with Tory’s relationship.”

Tory and her boyfriends are always judged whenever they go out. Despite all this, Tory hopes to make polyamory somewhat more acceptable in society.


“We definitely get weird looks,” she said. “I’ve had people just say rude comments when we’ve just been hanging out at a fast food place.

“I’ve been called a h*e more than once.

“Maybe in our future, we might see it become a common thing where people don’t bat an eye on it anymore at all. One can hope.”

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As of now, all five of them are keen to preserve their relationship and increase their family.

“We would definitely like to have more kids down the line,” Tory said. “With there being five adults in the household, we should probably have more than one kid.”



