Categories: Healthlife

Woman In Tears After Her ‘Adorable’ Heart-Shaped Spot Turns Out To Be Aggressive Form Of Melanoma

A woman has recalled the time she broke into tears after being confronted with a dire diagnosis.


32-year-old KayIa Mailer from Portland, Oregon, was just 12 when she developed an adorable spot on her left cheek.

©Kennedy News and Media – Pictured Kayla When She Was 27

For as long as 15 years, Kayla didn’t mind the ‘freckle’ that was dubbed cute by other people and compared to a tiny heart-shaped tattoo.


Everything changed, however, when the spot started transforming rapidly when the young lady was 27 years old.

“From at least sixth grade I had a mole on my cheek and right below it was a flat freckle. Over time that flat freckle became more and more prominent and by the time I was 26 it had formed into a heart shape and was super cute,” Kayla recalled.

©Kennedy News and Media – Pictured Kayla When She Was 27

“However, when I was 27 it had started to rapidly change and was no longer the perfect heart shape. It went from being a medium-dark chocolate brown to brown-black and the heart had lost some of its shape.


“I went to my doctor concerned and he sent me a referral to a dermatologist. The doctor checked it out and said it ‘definitely looked suspicious.’ I agreed to the scrape in case it turned out to be something more sinister, it changed quickly enough at the end to make me worried.”

©Kennedy News and Media

Just days after undergoing a biopsy, Kayla received a shocking call from her dermatologist who told her that the news couldn’t wait for them to meet in person.

©Kennedy News and Media

“He told me I had a ‘highly aggressive’ form of melanoma, that he’d scheduled me for the first available appointment at the surgery center in Seattle and that I’d need plastic surgery too. I sobbed when he told me,” Kayla added.

©Kennedy News and Media

Following the grueling procedure, Kayla was left with a pepperoni-sized hole in her cheek. After her doctors made sure she was cancer-free, she also underwent plastic surgery that saw her cheek stitched up and the fissure in her face closed.


“I was prepped for surgery and the next thing I knew I woke up with a railroad of stitches in my face. Mom was napping on the side of the bed, a true angel, she never left my side even though she was exhausted,” the 32-year-old said.

©Kennedy News and Media

Following the unexpected ordeal, Kayla spoke out to urge other people to get any suspicious spots and marks checked by a professional as soon as possible because early detection is key to successful treatment.


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