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Woman Divorces After 44 Years Of Marriage And Undergoes Drastic Makeover

Sometimes, life takes a major U-turn and things don’t turn out the way we planned and hoped for.


Whether you’re stuck in a dire situation or with a person that brings you down, stress and constant emotional battles may have a great toll on your physical appearance.

From huge eye bags to wrinkles to grey hair, Vicki was no stranger to the changes her body went through after dealing with a divorce following 44 years of marriage.
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For the first time since she was 18, Vicki was a single lady once again after her marriage took a major downfall.


After the split-up, Vicki couldn’t escape the unkempt look and years of baggage that she carried on her face.

Everything, however, changed as the 62-year-old decided to break free of the negativity and transform her looks with the help of Christopher Hopkins, also known as ‘The Makeover Guy’, who invested his great skills and loads of patience into making sure that Vicki would look and feel fabulous once more.


Watch this amazing video below:

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“Vicki was a little emotional since it was only a month since her divorce had been finalized. After 44 years of marriage, she was a newly single lady for the first time since she was 18. With an uplift in color, softened brows and a generally warmer glow, she shines for her next act,” The Makeover Guy wrote under his YouTube video.


During the transformation, Vicki opened up about her story and broke down into tears before having the chance to finish it. Christopher, however, reassured her that crying is an excellent way to let go of the negative feelings.

Vicki, who hadn’t really been dating since she was 18, was terrified of having to go ‘out there’ again or face being alone for the rest of the life.


Fortunately, the big-spirited woman became another person by the time The Makeover Guy was done with her. As a result of her stunning transformation, Vicki’s confidence and positive thoughts received a great boost.

What are your thoughts on this transformation? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post on Facebook!


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“This Girl’s makeup transformation is Beyond your imagination, AND she is turning into American Celebrities”