Categories: Animals/PetsDaily top 10

Woman Known As ‘Crazy Cat Lady’ Says She’s NEVER Been In A Real Relationship

Meet the crazy cat lady who claims she’s never ever been in a serious relationship in her life.


According to her, long-term relationships just don’t exist in reality and that’s because she feels guys are just never ready to actually commit. “They just don’t seem to be ready for anything that is serious or long term,” she explained boldly.

Source: The Irish Sun

Moreover, the woman spoke about how her friends constantly push her and motivate her for different dating applications but she just hates the mere thought of being judged over something as temporary as looks alone.


In the same way, the crazy cat lady says that the lockdown has not helped her love life one bit. And that’s because she feels living alone during the pandemic as well as working from her home space also means zero interaction with new people in the outside world. “I just haven’t gotten the chance to see anyone in a proper manner for months.”

Source: Owlcation

“Therefore, I am not quite sure what I would actually say to a man that I met and I actually liked or fancied,” she adds.


The woman has a unique love story with her cats and that she feels are her first priority in terms of relationships. “I once even went to the extent of taking a second job at a takeaway place where I worked as a delivery driver. Here is where I would speak to the people and hence got a better chance to interact with new individuals like strangers again,” she exclaimed.

Source: Bolde

Experts gave the young woman relationship advice and explained how she just can’t give up on love and relationships so soon. And with bars, pubs, restaurants, and other public places opening up soon, there is more hope now than ever.

Source: Guardian

“Many people like you are looking to date, hence please try to be a little patient for a little while longer,” they add. Do you agree? What advice would you give this young woman? Let us know in the comments section.