Categories: Entertainmentlife

This Woman Started Her Own Business And Turned Her Salary From Minimum Wage To $110K Per Year

A woman named Sarah Hughes was tired of her job as a cinema attendant and she took a decision to begin her own business which and went from a minimum wage job to earning $110K per year.


The 28-year-old is a trained musician, with a degree in creative sound from Newport University. She started writing and performing jingles for TV and first advertised her musical skills on freelance site Fiverr about six years ago.

She bought her first home with husband Gareth, 28.

PA Real Life

Sarah said: “Not many jingle artists can play, sing and produce an entire jingle themselves.’’


“Because of my degree, that’s something that’s second nature to me now and I think that’s why I’ve done so well.”

She charges $250 per jingle, and up to $125 more if the lyrics are written by her.

She explained: “I remember picking it up for the first time and feeling an instant connection with the strings. For the next three years, if I wasn’t playing the guitar, I was writing songs to play on it.”

PA Real Life

“After years of being told an academic career in music would land me nowhere, I suddenly found myself, as predicted, going nowhere,”


“I knew there was quite a demand for cutesy, light-hearted instrumental pieces, so I started off by advertising 30-second instrumentals with toy instruments for $5 a pop,” she explains.

“You’d be surprised how many people out there are looking for a jingle.


“It’s not just toy companies and children’s adverts. In fact, my biggest source of income for the first few months were podcasts and YouTube channels.”

PA Real Life

A friend of Sarah told her about Fiverr and she decided to try her luck. Fortunately, her portfolio grew along with ratings on Fiverr and she became a top trade seller in May 2013.


“After spending my entire education studying music, I couldn’t bring myself to apply for a bog-standard graduate scheme after leaving university,” she says.

“Everyone loves to tell art students that their degrees will get them nowhere and I’m so glad that now I’ve managed to prove them wrong.”




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