Categories: life

Mother Suffered Burns After Stranger Dumped Glue On Her Head

A woman suffered second-degree burns and had to have her hair shaved after a stranger slammed a hat full of glue on her head.


The incident occurred in Benaguasil, Spain, where 31-year-old Marcela Tascon was approached by a stranger pretending to be delivering flowers.


According to Levante EMV, the suspect arrived at the entrance of Marcela’s home at around 9 in the morning and asked her to let him.


The man allegedly talked to Marcela via a video display connected to her home and managed to convince her to open the door by showing her a bouquet he was allegedly supposed to deliver to her.


After making his way in and reaching the main door of Marcela’s home, the man allegedly once again asked her to confirm her name before launching an attack.


“Once at the door of my house, and in front of my eight-year-old son, he threw the flowers at my feet, called me a ‘son of a bi**h’, and pulled the hat over my head,” the mother, who runs a beauty clinic in the same building as her apartment, recalled.


“He ran away, my son was shouting, very scared, and I rushed to the bathroom to clean up my head and asked my son to call the police or friends.”


After being rushed to the hospital, Marcela, who is originally from Colombia, found out she suffered second-degree burns as a result of “abrasive substances” that filled the hat used in the attack.


“The doctor told me that this kind of attack is very common in Colombia, where it is called ‘doing the shampoo’,” Marcela added.


“It is commonly ordered by jealous wives after finding out their husbands had cheated on them or because they envy the other women.”


Following the incident, the 31-year-old recalled how a suspicious woman with a Colombian accent had been calling her salon prior to the attack.


According to Marcela, the unidentified woman most likely hired the man with the flowers to carry out the attack. While the 31-year-old beauty salon owner has suspicions of her own, she chose not to reveal them while the case is under investigation.


