Categories: Entertainmentlife

“Toss A Coin To Your Witcher” Added To Beat Saber

Netflix / Independent

It’s not clear if the folks at Netflix knew just how much of a hit they had on their hands when they started adapting The Witcher for television but one thing’s for sure: they’re definitely very happy now.


Regardless of what the critics are saying, The Witcher is a definite hit among fans of both the books and the video games that the TV show is based on. In fact, there are more players playing The Witcher 3 now than during its original launch, all thanks to the show.

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Many people also had their doubts about Henry Cavill playing Geralt of Rivia but the actor has proven that his superpowers are not limited to Superman because he delivered an outstanding performance that really makes him believable as the mutant monster hunter.point 327 |


If Robert Downey, Jr.point 18 | is Tony Stark and Hugh Jackman is Wolverine, then it’s safe to say that Henry Cavill is Geralt of Rivia.point 109 | It was a splendid casting choice.point 137 | 1

But it’s not just Cavill and the superb storyline that has people raving about the show. It turns out that Jaskier the bard’s catchy tune “Toss A Coin To Your Witcher” has also caught on with fans and now all sorts of versions are popping up on YouTube, ranging from an orchestra version all the way to an absolutely slick metal version.


While Google Music hasn’t picked up the tune, you can now get your Witcher fix thanks to Beat Saber now incorporating the catchy jig into the game. In case you didn’t know, Beat Saber is a game where you use controllers that become energy sabers that you use to cut through various colored blocks that streak towards you in time with the music that’s playing.


While Beat Saber gives more of a Star Wars feel, while “Toss A Coin To Your Witcher” is playing, it’s alright to imagine that you’re Geralt of Rivia scything through bad guys, just like he did during that sick market square sword fight scene.


Playing Beat Saber also has the added benefit of starting you off burning all the calories that you accumulated over the Christmas holidays so it’s a definite win for you on so many levels!

