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Will You Be Able To Figure It Out?

We are back with another riddle! This one gets users’ gears twisted, since there are many differing opinions.


Some say that there is only one answer, others argue that there is more than one, correct answer. We will be the judge of that today. The riddle reads out: “What is always coming but never arrives?” Guess your answer in the comments below! Keep reading to find out what the real answer is.


Many riddles have a a twist in it – such as this one – and that’s why it’s so difficult to solve.point 100 | Some people think of it logically, some also think outside of the box which leads to them missing the main point.point 193 | Other riddles that are like this one is: “Poor people have it.point 250 |


Rich people need it.point 17 | If you eat it, you die.point 35 | ” With the answer being “Nothing.point 75 | ” It makes sense once the riddle is given the answer, but not everyone will be able to think the same way.point 166 | 1

Do you need a hint to understand the riddle? Don’t worry! We’ll give one to you right now. So a hint to the riddle is that it does not involve trains, an answer that some people might have argued for. It is true that some trains are always coming and might not arrive, but some do, which contradicts what the riddle is portraying.


Still stuck? No worries. The answer is: “Tomorrow.” The reason why it is tomorrow is because tomorrow technically never comes. People use the word “tomorrow” when they are uncertain and not set on their plans, saying they’ll do things “tomorrow.” It keeps coming, but actually never arrives.


How was that for a brain teaser? Hope you had fun playing! Look out for our riddles and quizzes in the future. Tag a friend in the comments to see if they are able to solve it without looking at others’ comments too!
