Categories: Animals/Pets

Werewolf Mice Attack Venomous Predators And Howl At The Moon

The grasshopper mice, also known as werewolf mice, are unusual rodents that are nothing like the mice we typically see or hear about.


The species is found in the Sonoran Desert, America, where plenty of venomous beings and deadly predators thrive.


That being said, one of the most dangerous predators are the grasshopper mice that are immune to pain and venom.


Despite their small size, werewolf mice are incredibly brave and resilient. They are willing to challenge predators of all sizes to protect their territories.

National Geographic

The mice species is known for being carnivorous as they eat anything that gets in their way including venomous scorpions and snakes, lizards, grasshoppers, large centipedes, and even other mice.

National Geographic

To counter their fiercest opponent, the scorpions, werewolf mice have developed ‘immunity’ to their stings over time by adjusting to convert the neurotoxins into anesthetic.


True to their name, werewolf mice also howl at the moon at a frequency between 9 to 14kHz. If their high-pitched howls are slowed down, however, they sound exactly like those of wolves.

National Geographic

During the unusual ritual, they stand up on their back legs, lean their heads back, and howl at the moon.


While it isn’t entirely clear why these rodents howl, experts suggest they do it to communicate with one another as well as to scare off larger predators.

Michael and Patricia Fogden – Minden – NGS

On top of all that, it is worth to mention that werewolf mice are nocturnal predators, meaning that they hunt and thrive at night. During the day, on the other hand, they prefer to remain hidden to stay away from the desert heat.


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