Categories: Daily top 10lifenews

Harrowing Moment When A Plastic Sheet Completely Covered The Car’s Windshield On A Freeway


There’s no doubt that every time you get behind the wheel of a vehicle, you are taking on a big responsibility.


It’s doesn’t matter if you’re driving to an important meeting or you’re just going to drop by the supermarket to buy some ice cream. The same level of responsibility applies.

Watch how unlucky this driver got while driving.


[rumble video_id=v5n4n1 domain_id=u7nb2]

Video credit: Rumble


If you stop and think about it, you are taking control of greater than 1 ton of metal and taking it on average to about 70 mph. You don’t need to be a scientist to realize that that’s a lot of momentum that you’re bringing to your surroundings. Hit anything with that and you’re going to be causing some serious (or even fatal) injuries to others and/or yourself and your passengers.


It’s surprising how many people don’t really realize this with the result that they approaching the concept of driving with a casual disregard for what it really means to take the wheel. Teenagers especially don’t appreciate this fact and sometimes just can’t wait to drive a car, sometimes even going so far as to take the car out without permission.

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This is why people are advised not to drink or drive because when one is drunk, one’s faculties are addled and it’s easy to misjudge speed and distance and end up hitting something or someone when it could easily have been avoided otherwise.point 319 |


And there are many too many tragic stories about drunk driving that they need not be enumerated here.point 84 | 1

Defensive driving is the way to go but sometimes, no matter how careful one is, things just happen and it either results in a narrow escape or a tragedy. The following video shows an example of the former and the driver was really lucky that nothing bad happened to him.


According to the driver, he was going at high speed while on the 205NB road when a plastic sheet suddenly came floating out of nowhere and covered his whole windshield. Since he was on the fast lane, he couldn’t make a sudden stop as it would only cause an accident.


He had no choice but to gradually slow down and hope no one was stopping in front of him. He had to travel another 450 feet before he was finally able to bring his car to a stop at a construction area along the road. Although he didn’t mention it, he presumably hit the hazard lights as soon as the plastic draped itself over his windshield.


He was truly lucky that nothing worse happened that day and also demonstrates the importance of having a dashboard camera because this also serves as evidence whether one was driving defensively or not in case an accident does happen.


