Categories: FunlifeQuiz

How Many Watermelons Are In This Picture?

Source - timelesslife.info

Internet users have been dared to solve a tricky math puzzle featuring a series of watermelons.


While most of us didn’t find the math class too entertaining back when we were still in school, we can all agree that solving simple and yet tricky math puzzles is exceptionally fun.

Whether you’re here for some entertainment or to boost your brainpower, you’ve come to the right place!

Source – timelesslife.info

As you can see, your job is to count the watermelons in the picture, whereas some are sliced in half while others are missing one quarter.


Keep in mind that the question is not asking you to count the individual pieces but rather to figure out how many whole watermelons you can form with the pieces provided.

Source – Pixabay

Did you figure it out yet? How many watermelons do you think there are in the picture?


The answer is FIVE! There are five watermelons in the picture, and here’s the math to prove it.

4 × ¾ + 4 × ½ =
3 + 2 =

Source – timelesslife.info

Four watermelon halves equal two complete watermelons and four watermelons missing one quarter each equal three complete watermelons.


If you think this challenge was fun, wait until you see the next one! This time, your job is to count the matches that you see in the picture below. Be careful, however, the task is trickier than it looks at first glance.

Source – timelesslife.info

How many matches did you find? Are you sure you got the right answer?


Keep in mind that the matches seen on the lighter are merely a reflection and shouldn’t be counted!

The correct answer is 8. There are eight matches in the picture, whereas three of them are partially hidden behind the lighter.

Source – timelesslife.info

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