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Police Officers Ask For Forgiveness As They Wash Black Faith Leaders’ Feet

Police officers of Caucasian descent have joined forces with North Carolina’s African American faith leaders in a public event, which was an homage to the biblical episode of Jesus washing the disciples’ feet, often recreated by the Pope in Catholic events as wells as other faith leaders of Christianity around the world.


The march for Christian faithfuls against racism have started on Saturday at the city of Cary, where all those willing to carry out “the Christ’s work” walked with neighbors of different races. Member were from the Legacy Church Center, with pastors Faith Wokoma and her husband Soboma leading the charge in a prayer walk. They observed the now obligatory eight minutes and 46 seconds of silence honoring sacrifice of George Floyd. After the initial programme, they have prepared in show of solidarity amongst protesters and the police themselves. The ceremony was called ‘Washing of the Feet’, where at least three police officers and three white attendees have participated washing the feets of the black pastors.

ⓒ ABC11

The images and the videos that came out from the scene caused a buzz on social media, as they depicted the group congregation in the march praying in unison while the pastors got washed by the white peers by their lead. . Video of the ceremony was shared to Facebook where it went viral racking up over 2,400 views.


‘Powerful display of what reconciliation looks like,’ one Facebook user wrote. ‘This is how racial healing starts,’ another added. ‘Love and humility of God,’ one person commented.

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Faith and Soboma Wokoma said they have organized the event in hopes that faith may cross all boundaries of human emotions to bring people about together in this time of conflict.


‘As we look through civil rights history, the church was always such a big part of change.point 80 | And we don’t want it to just be the black church or white church, or Asian church.point 152 | We want the body of Christ to come together, collectively,’ Faith Wokoma said in a news interview.point 240 |


‘So we decided to gather with the other churches, and we were pleasantly surprised when the police said they wanted to be part of the walk.point 120 | The mayor wanted to be part of the walk,’ she added.point 168 | 1

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