Categories: life

Waitress Finds An Envelope by a Customer Containing $1700 As Tip But Then Realized That It Was Not For Her

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Video Credit: Youtube/Inside Edition

Well, look around the web, you will find plenty of news where it is stated that a random customer has left a big tip for the waiters or the waitresses. But, this time, it wasn’t the same. Even though it appeared to be one of those life-changing generous tips, but a little scrutiny turned the whole thing into a different track.


Just like every other day, Kaylie Cyr, who works as a waitress at Buffalo Wild Wings was doing her job at the restaurant. That is when she found a leftover envelope on the table where she served a customer a while ago.


With curiosity, Kaylie opened the envelope only to find a bunch of notes. For a moment, she thought that it was one of those ‘life changing tips’ scenario, but things changed when she further searched for details over the envelope where she discovered that the money wasn’t meant for her.


The customer, Glenn Morse, was a regular customer of Buffalo Wild Wings. And just like every other day, he dined at the restaurant after which he gave a good tip and left the restaurant.


But while leaving the restaurant, he forgot to pick up his envelopes which contained $1700 in cash which was meant for the payroll and various expenses of his business.


After the customer cashed out, Cyr came across the envelope. But, she didn’t let greed take over her conscience. When she realized that the money wasn’t meant for her, she turned it in.


Even for a moment, she was jumping with joy thinking it is as one of that moment when a customer has left over a life-changing tip which can be frequently seen in the news these days.


When Morse arrived at the restaurant with the hope of getting back the wallet, and he was filled with rejoicing to find it back. She appreciated Cyr for the honest she had shown.


And for her honesty, she earned a $100 bill from Morse. And Morse always appreciated her honesty and referred her as a gracious person. Honesty always earns you what you deserve.


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