Categories: Daily top 10news

Inhumane Action Of Ambulance Staff With A 86-Year-Old Patient

A dreadful incident occurred on Monday when an old lady had to wait for 8 hours before getting medical assistance as the ambulance was unable to reach her on time.


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Source: Daily Records

The 86-year-old lady, Lilian Briggs, met an accident in her house when she was looking after her daughter’s dogs.point 216 |


While moving from kitchen to hallway, she fell hard on the ground and fractured her hip bone.point 77 | Her children called her a couple of times and when they didn’t receive any answer from her side, they went to her house, which was close to theirs, to check up on her.point 214 |


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Source: Daily Records

Christine, the daughter of the injured woman, called the ambulance that arrived after 8 hours due to a lack of ambulances and staff during COVID 19.point 242 |


Throughout this duration, Lilian, trapped between the door and kitchen cabinets, suffered from great pain and nobody was able to help her as everyone was afraid they might increase the pain of the old lady in doing so.point 181 | 1

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Source: Daily Record

When the paramedics finally arrived, they didn’t help the poor lady instead were trying to get another crew for the treatment.point 407 |


60-year-old Robert Ewing, the son of Lilian Briggs, stepped forward and helped them in shifting his mother from the kitchen floor to the spinal board carefully.point 135 | Later he told in an interview that his mother was also suffering from Parkinson’s and skin cancer, and has been a heart patient in past as well.point 255 |


He further elaborated how he felt when he was unable to provide pain killers to his mother.point 75 | point 75 | 1

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Source: Daily Record

Lilian was transferred to the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary after being given two doses of morphine.point 275 |


The next day, she had an operation for 4 hours as her injuries were too much to handle at this age.point 79 | A member from the ambulance service proclaimed in an interview that due to lack of staff and ambulances, this kind of incident occur, but they are sorry for the delay.point 217 |


Moreover, she explained that Mondays are usually busy than normal weekdays, but they are working to get more staff and the latest equipment, for the patients.point 133 | point 133 | 1

Share this article with your family and let them know how things change for an individual when they are unable to help someone they love, in pain.