Categories: Family

How To Know If Your Deceased Loved Ones Are Sending You Messages From Beyond

If you’ve ever been visited by a deceased loved one in your dreams, you are not alone.


In fact, visitation dreams are one of the most common ways for spirits to reach out to their loved ones after they’ve died.

Visitation dreams, despite being one of the most intriguing and spiritual types of dreams, are shrouded in mystery. Today, experts are just starting to delve into this otherworld.

via mindbodysoul-food.com

Patrick McNamara, PhD. Of Psychology Today states that visitation dreams have several common characteristics:
1. Physical Traits of the Deceased (healthy vs. sick)
2. Emotions felt by the dreamer during the visitation (peaceful vs. fearful)


He says that the deceased appear as they did in life, rather than as they did when they fell ill, often appearing much younger and healthier than when they died. They conveyed reassurance to the dreamer, “I am ok and still with you’. Typically this message was conveyed telepathically, or mentally, rather than via spoken word.


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Not every dream about a deceased love one is a direct communication with them, though – so how can you tell if your loved one reached out in a dream or whether it is a creation of your subconscious?

via power of positivity

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Regular Dreams are creations of your subconscious mind, when your conscious mind is asleep; think of them as movies directed by the subconscious mind. Your subconscious may have a general theme, lesson or idea to communicate. Dream characters are selected to play out the scenario, based on all the people you’ve met in your life or past lives, whether or not you consciously remember them.


Sometimes deceased loved ones are chosen by your subconscious mind to play these roles. For example, if the dream requires a grandmother figure, perhaps your grandmother, although deceased, will fill this role, because it helps your subconscious to depict the story in your dream due to your perception of her.


Visitation dreams occur when a non-physical being communicates with you while you are sleeping. One reason why they communicate with you while you’re sleeping rather than when you are awake is because your ego mind does not block the communication. Your loved one is able to get past the filters of your mind which are always working to keep you focused on the physical, thus blocking activity from spiritual realms, more easily.


Visitation dreams are usually quite vivid, simple, and to the point. You will feel and know in your heart that the dream was a real communication and will remember it for the rest of your life.

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Communication through visitation dreams is often focused on reassurance, forgiveness, healing, and to let the dreamer know that the deceased loved one is ok. If there is a warning for you, it will be backed with reassurance and a feeling of love and support through their presence.


If this happens to you, trust that a real dram visitation has occurred. Lauri Moore is a professional psychic medium; in her video below, you’ll learn more about visitation dreams and how to tell if you’ve experienced one.


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