Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

75% Of Viewers Had Difficulty With This Riddle! Do You Think You Can Solve It?

Both visual challenges and optical themed illusions can really put your brain cells to the test.


It’s exactly what makes puzzles like these so much fun and worth your while. Therefore, we’re back with another stellar brain teaser that just might startle you in awe.

Yes, it’s fun, tricky, and has an element of surprise that keeps so many puzzlers guessing till the end. Do you think you’ve got enough curiosity to continue? If yes, let us know so we can get the ball rolling in the right direction.

point 0 |
Source: Tim’s Free English Lesson Plans

Viewers who make it a habit to keep learning new things are truly the best people of them all, we feel.point 223 |


It’s a challenge that helps keep your mental alertness alive and kicking while keeping you away from cognitive decline.point 107 | All in all, there’s so much positivity you can pass around with challenges galore.point 182 | And keeping today’s global perspective in hindsight, what more does the world need than this.point 267 | 1


This riddle dates back years but we feel that whenever it makes a comeback online, people can’t seem to wrap their heads around the situation as a whole.

Source: Fiverr

We agree that the unusual graphic makes it seem super hard at first, but as time passes on, you’ll realize that it wasn’t that bad, after all.


The puzzle

No matter where you may be, viewers get puzzled at what’s at stake. Instead of noticing the real clues, they get bedazzled by the little distractions seen here and there. All in all, things get pretty interesting when it’s answer time.

Source: Fabiosa

All we need you to do is look carefully and let us know what you think. If you can solve it correctly in less than 10 seconds, you’re a definite genius we believe. So, what are you waiting for? Solve away and good luck!


The right answer

Source: Grand Master

The answer is the woman on the right-hand side. First things first, she is suffering more, which can be seen from her tissues. Next, she is crying a lot too. Thirdly, you can spot her wedding ring, which is not seen on the other woman’s hand.


Did you notice these clues too?