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Vets Separated A Cub From Its Own Mother For Safety Reasons And Got A New Mom For Her

When it became too dangerous for this leopard cub to stay with its own mother, the vets at Sadgorod Zoo in Vladivostok decided to get a foster mother for the little cub.


According to zookeepers, the leopard’s mother has had a history of maltreating her cubs, which forced them to separate the two. The decision was taken for the safety of the little cub.


But, who is her new mom? Well, this will totally surprise you! It is a golden retriever called Tessy.

When the vets separated the cub from its mother and decided to get him a foster mom, they had only one name in their mind – Tessy.


Tessy is a devoted mama dog who has four pups of her own. The leopard cub has found an unlikely wet nurse in Tessy. Their bonding is beyond belief.


Sadgorod Zoo’s vet Viktor Agafonov said: “the girl is gaining weight, she is very active, plays a little, she nibbles her foster-mother and feels good.”


Their bonding is definitely incredible and it seems it will last a lifetime.