Categories: life

Vegan Shifts From Plant-Based To Carnivore Diet And Claims Meat ‘Saved Her Life’

A former vegan has spoken out and claimed that switching from a plant-based diet to a carnivore diet helped her improve her deteriorating health.


25-year-old Alma-Jade, a student of life sciences, had been on a strict vegan diet ever since she hit 13 years old and first watched videos of animal rights campaigners depicting animal cruelty.


Over a decade after making the switch, however, Jade shifted back to a carnivore diet and now eats up to 4 pounds of meat, brains, muscles, and bone marrow each day.


According to the 25-year-old, the drastic lifestyle change is a result of her deteriorating condition caused by a plant-based diet. As Jade claimed, her health began worsening to the point her teeth began snapping in two.


“I was completely sucked into the narrative of veganism and bought it all entirely,” the student said after jumping from one extreme to another.


“But it was making me so ill and eventually I realized that I couldn’t carry on because it was killing me. Within just a week of going carnivore I felt amazing, and for the first time in a long time my body was free of pain.”

As Alma added, she lost 22 pounds soon after turning vegan. Due to her condition, her parents took her to a doctor who told her she was lacking essential nutrients.


“I was so dogmatic and hard-headed that I didn’t listen to what anyone was telling me, just putting all my faith into the supposed health benefits of veganism,” she explained, adding that her menstruation stopped one year after going vegan.


“My teeth were also in a terrible state, from the combination of having so much sugar from the fruit and not enough calcium. I went to the dentist and my front tooth literally snapped in half, because the enamel had been so badly worn away. He asked me, ‘Are you drinking fizzy drinks for breakfast?’” Jade added.


Eventually, the student’s poor health was linked to her diet. Nowadays, Jade fully accepts a carnivore diet and never looks back.

“My thyroid and metabolism improved and symptoms like hair thinning and joint pain got better. But I’d still have flare-ups of my old symptoms like joint pain and fatigue, so I was still pretty unstable,” the 25-year-old shared.


“Organ meat is very dense in nutrients and can provide you with everything you need – even vitamin C – and I get calcium from making bone broths.

“I really love brain, though, which has quite a mild and fluffy taste to it. I know people get a bit freaked out by that, but I just think if you’re going to kill an animal, you can at least be polite enough to eat the whole thing. I know it is extreme, but it is the most balanced I have ever felt.


“I totally agree with vegans that industrial farming is wrong. That’s why I never buy anything from supermarkets and get all my meat either from a butcher or from the local farmer. But just quitting meat entirely seems to me to be throwing the baby out with the bathwater now.


“Spending so many years waking up in pain each morning doesn’t give you much hope in life, but this way of eating changed my life – and possibly even saved it.”

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