Categories: Entertainmentlife

A Vegan Claimed That “Tofu Is Strictly For Vegans”

An omnivore was recently accused of appropriation by an aggressive vegan.


The former’s only crime was that they enjoyed tofu as much as it’s loved by the vegans out there.

It all started when the aggressive person complimented the omnivore for their ‘tofurkey’ (tofu turkey) recipe, which they shared in a Facebook vegan group.


What started as a friendly chat between the vegan and the beef-eater quickly escalated, with the former telling the latter that “tofu is strictly for vegans.”

Following the incident, the tofu-lover shared the snapshots of their chat on the ‘Gatekeeping’ subreddit.


Gatekeeping is “when someone takes it upon themselves to decide who does or does not have access or rights to a community or identity. /r/gatekeeping is a subreddit for screenshots and stories of gatekeepers in the wild,” reads the description of the online community.


Here’s how the chat went down:


Tofu, which is made from soybean curds, has a number of health benefits. It improves cardiovascular health and kidney function, and also reduces the chances of breast and prostate cancer.


According to Medical News Today, tofu is “naturally gluten-free and low in calories. It contains no cholesterol and is an excellent source of iron and calcium.”

Considering its health benefits, tofu must be consumed by not only vegans and vegetarians but also omnivores as well. The never-ending quarrels among the vegans and non-vegans should at least spare this health goldmine in their debates.


Now we agree that people supporting a certain type of diet will always downplay the other. For instance, vegans would always argue that their diet is richer in a number of nutrients like fiber, antioxidants, potassium, magnesium, vitamins, and folate. And non-vegans, likewise, would come up with their own defenses.


But regardless of someone’s food preferences, one ought to maintain at least some level of respect while proving their point. Well, maybe the ‘the mighty tofu gatekeeper’ needs to learn that!

Here’s what the internet users had to say about the incident:

