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In A Dramatic Turn Of Events, Two Florida Cops Save The Life Of A Baby Girl Choking On Chicken Nugget

Two Palm Beach Garden officers from Florida are being showered with praises and admiration after their heroics that helped save the life of a 14-month-old baby girl who was choking on a chicken nugget.


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ABC 13

The surveillance footage captured at a diner showed the dramatic rescue of Lucia who was choking on her Chick-Fil-A lunch.


Video credit: ABC123

The rescue operation started moments later when Lucia’s mom, Ana Graham realized that her daughter was choking on the food she was eating.

After taking a bite, baby Lucia started turning red and looked at her mother with scared, wide eyes. Ana immediately took her to her baby stroller and began patting on her back to unclogging the food from her throat.


However, in between the panic, Ana wasn’t hitting her daughter the right way. And as a result of the delay, Lucia started to turn blue. Hopeless Ana started running for help.

Two Florida police officers Rafael Guadalupe and Robert Ayala immediately heard the cries of the distressed mother and ran over to help.


Robert grabbed little Lucia with her face down and started patting her back with his palm until she coughed up the nugget out.

Meanwhile, Rafael called the paramedics and made sure that the mother, Ana was calm during the horrifying ordeal.


Ana and Lucia were lucky enough to find these two officers at the scene else the situation would have been something different.

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