Categories: life

TV Reporter Who Started Turning White Saved His Career By Painting His Face Every Day

In this fast-changing world, people must do whatever they can to earn their livelihood.


People are known to perform unbelievable tasks to save their careers. One such situation is that of a reporter who paints his skin every day to save his job.

People say appearance doesn’t matter. But then lying is as common as water on this planet. Appearance means a lot especially when your career involves facing the camera.


Some people don’t like the shape of their nose; some don’t like their lips. Others want fairer skin. This has been a source of worry for a lot of us. Kate Moss, a supermodel, has admitted that she hates her legs. Scarlett Johansen has always hated her chubby face. Angeline Jolie thinks she is odd looking.


Joining this list is a reporter who has won an Emmy award- Lee Thomas. Lee is a 50-year old reporter who works for Fox News. Lee has been diagnosed with vitiligo which causes his skin to lose its pigmentation.

Lee wasn’t born with this condition, and he never realized he was infected with Vitiligo until he was 25. It was only when his barber had finished his work that Lee realized there was a white patch on his skin.  Lee started to panic when he realized the gravity of the situation.


Soon these marks could be seen on his hands followed by on the corner of his mouth.  Lee was working as a reporter in New York City when he decided to pay a visit to a doctor. The doctor informed him that he was diagnosed with ‘Vitiligo’. Sadly, there was no cure for this disease and his career as a TV reported seemed to be over.


Lee was depressed and started contemplating different career options where his communications degree would come in handy. But then Lee decided that he wouldn’t just give up on his dream. He started thinking of ways to save his career.

Lee realized that he had to come clean about his condition. He started applying makeup not because he was ashamed of his condition but he did not want people to focus on his condition rather than the news.


To avoid talking about his condition during interviews, Lee started applying makeup. Today Lee is a successful reporter. Today, Lee feels differently about his condition than when he was first diagnosed with it.

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