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Washington Post Fact Checker Said Trump Lied Over 10,000 Times Since Sworn In To Office

President Trump has told over 10,000 lies since he was sworn in to the office, claims the analysis by Washington Post Fact Checkers published last Monday.


The fact-checker database evaluating Trump’s untrue claims on a scale from one to five Pinocchios has established that the president has told just around 23 lies each day for the last seven months.

The data further shows a sudden increase in the lying pattern of the POTUS contemporary to the midterm election of 2018, during the time of the partial government closure, and after the release of Russia Report by Special Counsel Robert Muller.


For the first 601 days in office, the Post says the president had made around 5,000 false claims which were increased twofold in the last 226 days.


‘In the first 100 days, Trump averaged less than five claims a day, which would have added up to about 7,000 claims in a four-year presidential term,’ the Post noted.


Until last Sunday, accounting for Trump’s Green Bay, Wisconsin Rally, the Post identified 10,111 false or misleading assertions during the president’s 828 days as the Chief Executive.

The count accounts for all the claims the president has made whether at press gaggles, rallies, interviews or tweets.


During April 25 to 27, the president has made 171 false assertions on Twitter, as established by the analysis.

According to Glenn Kessler, the fact checker tasked with the database on Trump’s assertions, Muller did not find ‘no collusion’ in his investigation contrary to what the president claimed.


‘What he [Trump] keeps saying is the Mueller report found no obstruction. That’s not true,’ Kessler told CNN on Monday.


‘The Mueller report outlined five to ten instances that could be grounds for obstruction. It said a sitting president is not indicted for obstruction, so Mueller left it to Congress.

‘To run around and say he had total exoneration, which he likes to say, is not correct.’


A redacted version of Muller’s report was released by Attorney General Bill Barr at the start of this month.


The report failed to find any evidence that Trump’s administration was involved in influencing the 2016 presidential election by conspiring with the Russians.


However, the report did not make it certain whether or not Trump was involved in obstructing justice during the investigation.

The Democrats, as well as Kessler, establish that all the ten instances outlined by Muller that could possibly be grounds for obstruction make it obvious that the president did obstruct justice.


Democrats are trying to use the said ten instances from the report to try and impeach the president.



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